Psst! Wanna know the secret to keeping your man out of another woman’s bed?

Do you really believe that the only thing men want is sex? If you do and you still have a man in your life, what exactly does that say about you? Yep, it says that you really enjoy doing the nasty too! Why hide it? Why on earth do women hide the fact that they enjoy sex just as much or more than the next guy? And I really mean guy, lol.

Sex is a fact of life, it’s been going on since the beginning of time (thus the worlds population) and the billions of dollars generated by the industry itself. You can try to deny it but not only men are looking at porn on the internet. Everyone has needs, wants and desires and if women didn’t then there would be absolutely no market for adult toys.

Now, with all of this love making occurring throughout this planet why is it that men tend to feel the need to stray and conduct business outside of his current relationship? This is the million dollar question that has been asked since the neanderthal age. Why on earth does a man with a healthy, beautiful, sexy cave woman feel the need to sleep with the cave woman on the other side of the mountain?

Over the years there has been numerous articles written on the subject and for this post, I for one  will stay away from to concentrate on a simple solution that could possibly eliminate that situation in your own relationship. Interested?

I was once informed that smart women take up all of the free time of the men that they are in a relationship with. In other words, they eliminate the chance for him to be idle, since we all know that idle hands are the devils tools, right? I am not sure if this is true but over the years I’ve heard this saying often. Maybe there is merit to it, maybe not. I don’t know, personally.

However, what I do know is that for whatever reason, men are more inclined to cheat in a relationship after he has been in it for sometime. Very few guys cheat in the beginning of a real relationship, although they will if the relationship wasn’t considered a real relationship to begin with. Interesting huh? Lets look at this statement again in laymen terms. “Chances are that he will not cheat on you in the beginning of a relationship that he actually considers real.” Meaning that he considers the two of you to be an actual couple.

Now, some of you are scratching your head in wonder as to why a man you had cheated on you in the first month, week or day of the relationship, right? Well, I am sorry to inform you of this but you thought you were in a actual relationship, but for whatever reason, he didn’t. Perception is a killer, especially when your views on where you stand differ so greatly.

So yeah, if he cheated on you very quickly, or you discovered he had another girlfriend while you were just starting out you should now know he wasn’t all in as far as being in an exclusive relationship with you. Sorry to have to tell you that.

Later yeah, if the relationship goes into routine mode and he becomes listless, he is more ample to stray. Not that it has anything to do with you, but more importantly it is a flaw in his own character. A flaw that is exploited by what he has been told on a regular basis by his male counterparts and society. 

If you are told something over and over again, at what point does it become real? Probably when you accept it as being real in your mind. How long before a man in your life allows it to become real, that once he gets married sex goes out the window? Or that being with the same woman for a long period of time is like eating the same meal, over and over again?

Comedians have made jokes about these same issues and men as well as women have all laughed, at least until it became real for the man in your life. What did Chris Rock say about being married? ” If you like f**king, marriage ain’t for you! (See video) Unfortunately, some of us buy into this thought process and chose to seek excitement elsewhere.

Women of course have been victims of societal views as well. Yeah, you know what I am talking about. You’re supposed to suppress your sexual urges, act like a lady, right. I can understand and appreciate that outside of a relationship, however, in a relationship, you should be you! So if you really enjoy sex, then now is the time to become uninhibited and enjoy yourself with someone you love who loves you as well.

Oh, let me get back on topic because you are reading this to discover how to keep your man out of another woman’s bed, right? That’s easy, think about where you are sexually in your relationship. Ask yourself, who initiates sexual contact most of the time? 10 to 1 (I live in Vegas) says it’s the man in your life. You see women most times without realizing it take their cue for sex from the male. Why? Because society has said that men have a higher sex drive than women, and if a woman has one as well then she’d be better suited by hiding it.

So what women tend to do is they wait for the male to request sex and if she is in the mood, OK, it can be done. If she is not, then he’s pissed because you’ve rebuked him. It also has falsely led women to believe that men are oversexed. Not because he actually is, but rather because you’ve reduced him into guessing when you are in the mood.

Let me try to explain this simple logic to you. You’ve went from participating in the when and where you two have sex, to waiting on him to determine when and where and you participate only if you feel up to it. It’s understandable that you are not in the mood every single time on his schedule. However, what you failed to understand is that you have buried your schedule, and didn’t even realize it and this creates a problem that may result in his diving into another woman’s bed.

Lets try looking at it this way, OK? You enjoy sex, right? You enjoy making love to the man you love, right? So why in the hell would you do it only on his schedule? That’s asinine and problematic! It also creates a view of him that is not altogether true. He’s not oversexed, its just that you’ve stopped initiating it when you want it choosing to wait until he requests to make love.

Why not try this, everyone of you have those times when you want to make love or simply have sex just like men do, right? When you get these urges which I am sure occur on a weekly basis, act on them with your man. Don’t wait until he wants you, let him know that not only do you want him but you need him to fulfill your needs as well.

Want to know what the results will be? Eventually you and he will become balanced in the bedroom. If he is getting sexual satisfaction when he wants and when you want, he’ll be less likely to look elsewhere because he’ll be too busy being satisfied at home. The thought you had of him possibly being totally consumed by sex will be a thing of the past because since now you’re selecting your own days for intimacy based on your needs  will leave him fulfilled and you happier. The only unhappy party in this equation is the adult toy industry since you’ll have little need for that device you’ve hidden away in the closet in that shoe box.

Jumping into another woman’s bed will be the last thing on his mind ever, because there is something else that is said that you may have never heard. “Men with empty scrotum’s have no reason to stray!” Lol!

Why you should have a “Single Women” survival kit!

There is nothing on earth as frustrating as being at the whim of someone else. Especially when its someone that you have grown to know, fell head over heals in love with and without warning they radically changed. Damn, it makes me want to pull my hair out just thinking about it.

Many of you will suffer through this in your lifetime, a few of you will suffer through it more than once (because some learn lessons at a different pace). Hell, I went through this phenomenon myself. However, when I came out the other side I made an important decision about dating. Especially when the relationship moved to a point and you have that very important talk.

You ladies know the talk I am referring to.   The one where the guy says, “Look, we spend all of our time together anyway. You have an apartment, and I have one. We spend all of this time sleeping at each others place, but we’re paying two separate rents.” Then he goes on a says, “Wouldn’t it be better if we just moved in together?” “Think of all of the money we could save?”

Wow! You start to think maybe there is a future in this relationship and you as all women do, ask, “Are you sure?” However, inside you’re bursting at the seams with excitement. You cannot wait to tell your girlfriends that he asked you to move in with him.  You were so excited, you failed to carefully think this plan through and you really overlooked exactly whose apartment should you two move into. But, that’s OK, because you’re so happy whatever he wants to do is fine by you.

You can’t wait to move in with him and make all of the modifications that will turn his place into a happy home, right? You should have read the fine print in the offer because this is a recipe for disaster filled with a hidden minefield.

When he brings saving money into the equation you need to know that’s a red flag.  “Think of all of the money we can save?”  In real love money is not an issue. However, let me clarify that statement for you. If I really love you, then I want you to move in with me, not because it allows me to save more cash to buy more toys. I want you there because I want to wake up next to you every single morning. I want you to be the first person i see when I get up to start my day, and the last person I see and hold before I fall asleep. These feeling you make me have are priceless and money pales in comparison.

So, anyway you’re thinking about how great it is to be able to live with him and he’s thinking about the money he’ll be able to save by sharing the rent, bills and expenses. Get the picture now? Yeah, you’re really just a beautiful, sexy roommate that he has bedroom privileges with.

You on the other hand think that this is a prelude to marriage and you quickly begin to treat it just like that. You rush home to make him dinner everyday, you rearrange his apartment to make it more of a home instead of a bachelor pad and within weeks you convince him that you two need a joint account. Why? Because its what married couples do.

Now, currently he’s still on board but what happens when he starts to feel crowded? You start to see a side of him you haven’t seen before. He become irritable, starts coming home later from work and everything becomes an argument.  The next thing you know, he’s sleeping on the couch and you’re crying yourself to sleep on a weekly basis.

Do you understand why this occurs? Believe me when I say that this happens everyday worldwide, so if its happened to you then rest assured you are not alone. It happens because you and he were never on the same page to begin with. The expectations of both parties were totally different and neither took the time to set up rules and expectations before the move actually occurred.

To make matters worse, when people live separately while they are dating there are loads of things they learn about one another over time. When you chose to move in together you learn a lot about one another very quickly and some of the things you learn you may not like. Living together you don’t have that safe place to go to while you attempt to come to grips with his short comings as you would if you lived apart.

If you lived separately and a girl called him on the phone, you’d be a little upset, go home and think about it. He’d call and explain the situation and everything would be forgiven in most cases.  If a girl calls him while you’re living together, its a whole different emotion. You have no where to think this thing through except maybe another bedroom.  Also, the thought that a girl called him infuriates you even more because now you’re wondering if he’s even informed her that he’s in this makeshift marriage, uh, living with you.

When things get really bad and you simply cannot take it anymore (as he may be feeling as well), what are you going to do? It was really easy to get into this situation but getting out of it can be difficult. Where are you going to go? You gave up your apartment, remember?

This is the point where you should have had a “Single Women Survival Kit.” Because when things get really bad, you’ll be able to take complete control of your life and situation again. Trust me when I tell you that there is no worse feeling than the feeling of being trapped.

You’ve given up your apartment, your life, your freedom to make someone else happy and it just didn’t work out. Now, you’re sitting in the bedroom that you two once shared and he’s drinking a beer on the couch watching sports after another silly argument.  You feel trapped and confined and all you really want is to get out!

If you had planned ahead and had a “Survival Kit”, you’d be able to do just that because you’d be prepared. Now, some will say, ” If you’re preparing for failure then it will do that, fail.” However, we don’t plan on having a auto accident, but we get insurance, just in case.

This survival kit, consists of some material items and a good deal of common sense. I’ll give you a list I made up for you, it differed from the one I once had, but then again I am a man.

Item #1: A secret bank account:

I know, you shouldn’t keep secrets in your relationship but this is basically insurance and believe me you may need it. You should place approximately $50.00 into this account every payday. The one thing that will be a hurdle for you is in the event that you feel as though you need to move out, is having enough cash on hand to get another place.

It sucks when you know that you once had a nice quiet place that you called home. It was your sanctuary, a place you could close out the world if need be. If you placed money into that account, you could find one quickly and move on. If not, it may take you a while to save up enough to move out. This means that you’re subjected to many more months of frustration while trying to save something you could have already had.

Now, in the event that the relationship blossoms into something more as in marriage. Guess what? You can roll that money into an investment account, or utilize it to offset some of your wedding expenses. You can’t lose by being prepared!

Item #2: Stockpile birth control:

Hey, until you are on your honeymoon it might be wise to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy. If your live in arrangement falls apart the very last thing that you need to discover is that you’re expecting. Children are the greatest thing on this planet, however, caring for one as a single mom is a challenge.

A Professor once gave me this advice about sex. “Never sleep with a woman that you could not see as being the mother of your children.” We all know that was not the case in some of the relationships I had over the years, however to eliminate the chance of an unplanned event I stockpiled condoms. Hell, when I was in my early 20’s I think I purchased enough to give everyone at the Magnum plant a raise in pay. Lol!

There is nothing wrong with protecting yourself and making sure he’s the right one. Then planning on having the child as a family, yep, you and he. Families can be only two people you know.

Item #3: Locate a neutral place to reside together:

If a man requests that you and he move in together, don’t move into his apartment or allow him to move into yours. If you’re serious about it and he is as well, the two of you together go and locate a suitable neutral abode to begin your trial live-in.

However, and this is extremely important, discuss with him his expectations and explain yours to him. If you two accommodate one another, this thing could really work to both of your advantages and grow into the ultimate goal. If you fail to examine what you both expect your chances of success are quite slim. This is just a thought, but you may want to explain to him at this time that you have no plans of being a lifelong girlfriend and live-in lover. Just putting that out there, OK? Remember what your mom used to say, “Why buy the cow when he can get the milk for free?”

Item #4) Keep your Finances separate:

In the beginning do not under any circumstances intertwine your bills or credit. You should agree to pay your half and he his. The only thing that both of your names should appear on is the rental agreement.

You want to do this to give you an opportunity to see how he handles his finances. If  you intertwine your finances and share an account, it may affect your credit score.  If his score is low, you may get dinged or worse credit agencies may start calling you about his debts. This is a horrible thing to discover after you’re living together, but it happens.

Each of you should select a utility and place it in your own names, making sure that they pretty much are equal in the amounts you pay monthly.  To clarify this, you shouldn’t be paying $200 in cable bills and he’s only paying $70.00 for water and the electric bill. Understand?

Item #5) An Emergency Credit Card:

You should if possible obtain a credit card with a credit line of at least $500. This card is for emergencies only and you should only utilize it once a month. During this monthly usage, go out to dinner or purchase a pair of stockings or anything that you can pay the bill in full on its due date.

This practice keeps the card active and paying it off monthly helps your credit score. As i said above though, this card is for emergencies only! What I mean by this is that in the event you need to stay at a hotel after a severe argument, this is when you utilize it. Need to rent a truck to move out because the relationship is sour, use this card. In a sense, its a safety net.

If you’ve been setting aside money as in item number one and you have this emergency card you have your freedom intact. Regardless of the situation you can move on and any frustrations will be minimal at worst.


Relationships are a risks, however that’s what makes them so much fun.  We also all know that without risk there is no possibility of reward. There is nothing wrong with hedging your bets by protecting yourself in the event that things don’t work as planned. By covering your bases, its a win-win scenario for you. As I wrote above, if it works out then you have this small nest egg that you can utilize for something else.  That something else could be whatever you want it to be, to include a nice Rolex for your new husband. I’m just saying. Men like nice gifts too.

The secret that men hope women never discover…..

“Women are going to form a chain, a greater sisterhood than the world has ever known.”
Nellie McClung

You meet a new guy and you love everything about him. He calls and your stomach gets knotted up, and when you’re around him you have butterflies. You cannot sleep because he’s always on your mind. Love, isn’t it grand?  There is nothing as precious as new love, you cannot get enough of it. The feelings you get are indescribable, and you feel like you’re about to burst with excitement.

Late at night you lay in bed and you think of every single moment of time that you spent with him during the day. You review every single word spoken and chastise yourself for not saying the right thing at the right moment of the conversation. You feel awkward, like you’re a school girl with a crush and he’s the big man on campus.

You cannot wait for the next day to see him and take in the aroma of his cologne and look into his eyes once again. Every time he brushes against you or slightly touches your hand you get weak in the knees and you blush uncontrollably.

You find it difficult to concentrate and eating is a second thought, your appitite is vertually gone and you often wonder if you’ll actually be able to eat in front of him when you go out on your long anticipated date.

Love, there is nothing like it is there? However, on the flip side these same emotions can describe the way women feel when they’re heartbroken. The two basic issues of course are lack of appetite and sleep, but of course your stomach gets knotted just the same. You also wonder if it was something you said or did and if you could have done things differently.

Now the issue here is how do you keep from ever feeling like the latter of these two emotions? How do we insure that you never have your heart and emotions drug through the mud while you shed tears that could have been prevented.

Did you know that women can protect their own hearts by simply doing one thing at the beginning of every relationship, even before you begin to act like a love struck schoolgirl. Before you place your heart in the hands of a person that you thought dropped out of heaven, but may have came from a much lower area, you should find out from where he really came.

“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”
Madeleine Albright

Every man that you meet has a past. It’s that past that can determine your relationship fate. Before you throw caution to the wolves and fall head over heels in love with someone who may break your heart into, it behooves you to proceed with caution. Do your homework and attempt to discover who he really is and if possible, why?

It is amazing that more women don’t do what I am about to introduce you to, because if done properly it works to your benefit.  Its also the hidden secret that men never want you to discover. Its the inside information straight from the horses mouth that could sink them where they stand when they are dishonest.

What is this secret that make men tremble in their boots? The girl that held his heart before you! She holds all the secrets that can mean success or failure for you if you enter into a relationship with the man that makes your heart pound faster.

Now before you decide that this is not a route you would chose to take lets take a look at it from a different angle. Think about your last boyfriend, what could you share with another woman that could spare her a harsh break-up and a broken heart. Was he good to you? Did he cheat on you or god forbid, hit you. You hold valuable information that could assist another woman whom might be sitting at home right now with butterflies in her stomach over a man that you know to be a liar and a cheat. If you could save her from heartbreak and despair, why wouldn’t you. If you don’t, when the day comes that he rips her heart out or hurt her in any other manner, you are just as responsible as he is because you could have and should have warned her if she asked.

It amazes me that we tend to not inquire about the person that held our love interests heart until after we break up with them. We tend to believe what our partners say about them and as with nature we side with the one we’re with. That is until that day after our hearts have been broken into tiny pieces, we wonder if all that was told to us was actually true.

Then by chance you meet the person, and discover that they are nothing like the person you were led to believe they were. These meetings always end with you gaining a good friend and with them informing you that had you contacted them they would have warned you about your former partner.

In every relationship there are two sides to the story of why it ended, the side you’re hearing and the silent side. Isn’t it interesting that the side you’re hearing is always the fault of the silent side. But lets be real, how many men have you met that will confess to cheating, beating, stealing from or lying to their ex’s? Better yet, how many men have you met that will inform you that yes, they do have a current girlfriend while they attempt to seduce you?

These are all the more reason for you to seek out his former partner before you jump into a relationship with him. Now we all know that sometimes people make up lies and are deceitful when they have been heartbroken, but all you have to remember is that somewhere between those lies is the truth.

Now many of you are scratching your heads wondering, “How would you react if a strange woman approached you and inquired about your ex?” How would you respond? Hopefully, with dignity and respect as all adults should. If the relationship is over then its over, you both  should have moved on by now, so what could it really hurt to assist someone else?

If your ex was a great guy and things simply flamed out on your relationship, then wouldn’t it be wise to inform her of that fact. Would it seriously hurt you to offer her pointers in how she might make their relationship last? Hell, in actuality you know so much about him and if you chose to hold on to that information, then you are really doing a disservice to your ex and the female that’s interested in him, don’t you think?

Now, on the other hand if he was a total jerk and she needs to be warned about him it could be wise to do so. However, it should be done with tactfulness. Sit her down and ask her exactly what she wants to know? Put yourself in her shoes, if his ex before you had told you what you needed to know, would it have prevented your heartbreak? Could it have saved you from anguish and sadness? Would you have headed her warnings? Then ask yourself this, “Can you really walk away knowing that she is headed down a path to pain and refuse to help? Ever heard of karma?

This failure to assist one another is a prime example of why our society is decaying right now. It’s not my problem, so I don’t want to get involved is our new motto. Many times I have wondered what may have been if OJ’s ex before Nichole had informed her of what he was really like? Would Scott Peterson’s late wife have heeded a warning from another woman before choosing to marrying him? I know that these examples are extreme, or are they? However, what I am sure of is that each and everyone of you hold the key to the happiness or suffering of another woman. The only question that remains, is are you willing to share that key or not?

I know it would be awkward for someone to approach you about your ex, however these questions come in many forms. So the next time you get a friend request from your ex’s current girlfriend, don’t be so quick to dismiss it. There may be something that she wants to ask you but isn’t sure how to proceed.

If the thought of this make you uneasy there is another way as there always is. Visit my fellow bloggers site and you can post about your ex anonymously. This way any woman that is interested in him can locate the info she needs right there and no one will be the wiser. Also, while you are there, you can check up on your current beau, or someone you may have had you eye on. Its free, and although most of the comments are negative, like I stated earlier, somewhere between the two extremes, lies the truth.

So if you have the time or you’re simply curious, please visit, you never know what you may discover or what you may be able to contribute to someone else s happiness.

8 Things you should never say to a man…… If you want to keep him

Sometimes, when we get just too damn comfortable too soon with a new person we tend to let our guard down and throw caution to the wind.  You have to understand that just because you feel comfortable with him doesn’t necessarily mean that he feels the same way about you. He may tell you he does, but then again he may be on the bubble with where your relationship is heading.

In my past I terminated several relationships because of a simple comment that just grated me to the point where regardless of how I tried I couldn’t get over. Looking back now, I agree I was really very shallow when it came to relationships. Now that I know this, I also understand that as a man, I am not alone and men that you have met or will meet may be shallow in the beginning as well.

With this knowledge, I figured it may benefit you to know that there are some things that you may not want to say, regardless of how comfortable you may feel in the beginning of the relationship.  However, as many of you probably know, once the relationship is defined and is solid then anything you say will not be held against you in the court of love.  (Ah, unless it’s a lie, then all bets are off.)

Moving on, lets get to “8 Things you should never say to a man, if you want to keep him!” (note: These are things that you may not want to say while you two are in the beginning stages of what you hope to be a long term relationship, ok?)

1) I want to be a stay at home mom;

  What men hear: She wants a rich guy to take care of her and do nothing but have kids. Men want partners and since for years women have preached equality, we expect you to help carry the load. Now on the other hand, if he is rich or on his way to being rich this may work out fine. However in this economy it’s all hands on deck and that means you as well.

2) I once dated my boss;

What men hear:  She’s looking for a man with power and if I am not it, it could be her next or current boss. Also, there is this old saying that you should never shit where you eat,  which means sleeping with the boss is not a smart move. Oh, and now we think about what her reputation in the office is like. Office gossip is brutal and she gave them a lot to work with. Time to move on suddenly sounds good for us.

3) I like women too:

What men hear:  Most of the men I have talked to regarding this type of situation informed me that in the beginning they thought that they had hit the jackpot. In the end they said they wish they had never known. Visions of three ways clouded their judgment. They all assured me that it was great and exciting when it first began because they had convinced themselves that it wasn’t cheating as long as it was only with women. Wrong!

How secure could he possibly be when he knows that his girlfriend is trolling for women with a higher success rate than he and his friends ever had? After awhile the excitement wears off and jealousy appears as with any relationship when a third person is introduced into the equation.

A woman once told me that there is no such thing as being bi-sexual. She said that people whom say that they are, really are saying that they are selfish sexually and its all about them. She went on to say that regardless of if they are with a man or woman, all they really care about is their own needs being met. I don’t know if she’s right or wrong on this  and I am not in a position to argue either way.

4) You are the biggest I have ever had;

What men hear: I have been with numerous men and I am checking sizes and discussing them with my girlfriends. We really don’t like to think about your sexual conquests to begin with, because in our minds you were a virgin when we met. You just killed that image with that one statement and to make matters worse you were probably just trying to make us feel good. Now we can’t shake the thought of you out of our minds, measuring privates of men lined up with towels wrapped around them. Ugh!

5) I have never done this before:

What men hear: With me! Especially if you suddenly take control right in the middle of it and seem to anticipate our every move. You should never utilize those words to a man especially if its while in bed. It’s equally bad if you just met him or you’ve liked him for awhile and its the first time you two have been alone and he talked you into bed.

Note: The funny thing about men, yours truly included is that women are right when they think that when it comes to sex, once we get an erection we stop thinking clearly. However, once that erection subsides we replay the whole conversation that got us into the situation to begin with. So, if you said something that didn’t bother us while we were trying to satisfy our needs it will jump out at us when clarity returns. This clarity period is a main reason for one night stands.

6) My last boyfriend did it like this:

What we hear: We are being compared to some guy who for whatever reason still occupies your thoughts. This is not good, because in order for us to feel comfortable with you, we’d like to think that only we occupy your thoughts. Not only that, but hell if he was so great, why are you with me?

7) We have to keep our relationship a secret:

What we hear: This is sometimes said when the parties are of different racial or economic backgrounds. Problem is that now he feels as though he’s good enough to sleep with but not good enough to be seen with. Yep, men don’t like this type of situation either. We start out saying that we can handle it, but in the end we hate it too. Remember the saying, “Forbidden things are sweeter”, they really aren’t.

8) You once tried to get pregnant:

What we hear: You want a baby and you may try to have one by us without our knowledge. This is a scary thought if we’re just beginning. Most men aren’t comfortable with the premise of having a child so quickly and you’ll notice that although you’re taking birth control pills, he still insist on wearing a condom as well. You know he’s uncomfortable if even with the condom on he still withdraws before ejaculation.

I guess I could actually add several other things not to say as well, but I’ll just list a few without commenting on them so you’ll know.

9)   I need a man to pay my bills.

10)  I had an abortion.

11) I was once with multiple men at once- You may want to keep this to yourself

12) I was a teenage prostitute.

14) I was molested.

15) I was in rehab, twice.

16) I had a eating disorder.

17) I used to cut myself occasionally.

18) I tried to commit suicide.

19) My last boyfriend is on death row.

20) I am awaiting sentencing.

The point I am trying to make is this. In relationships there should be no secrets if it is to blossom and grow. However, it is important that you get to know the person before you decide to tell them some things. When we are really comfortable with one another and we both know where its headed then anything you say will more than likely be forgiven. However, if you say them too soon they’ll be used solely as a reason to exit by menn who may not have wanted to be with you long term to begin with.

When we love someone and I am not talking about lust, but true love, we can accept the fact that we all have skeletons, or crutches in life. The things you say in the beginning that could make a man run, could actually bring him closer when he’s actually had the time to get to know you and love you for who you are.

Why he won’t say, “I love you”

“I love you”, there I said it and it wasn’t that hard. However, with some men, to get them to say those three little words is like pulling teeth. They simply refuse to say it and I know its frustrating to the women whom they share their lives with. Last weekend I went to meet with some male friends after work and a couple of female friends tagged along.

Over a few beers we engaged in this terrific conversation about why it’s so damn hard for men to profess their love for a woman. One of my female friends confessed that her boyfriend of nearly two years has never uttered those words. She stated that several times he’s came close but the answer she gets most when she says it to him is “Ditto”.

She said that after all of this time together she knows that he really loves her (evident in the three calls she got in a 2 hour period), but he simply cannot utter those simple words. Oh, and at the end of one of the calls she placed him on speakerphone and told him she loved him before the call ended. You know what his response was? “Me too!”

One of my male friends attempted to explain away why we don’t say it by insisting that if we told every woman we dated that we loved them then the words eventually become hollow. He went on to say that love to him meant forever! He also added that forever, was a very long time and he wasn’t ready for that type of commitment.

Another friend chimed in and his version was a little bit graphic. I had to chastise him for his depiction of what women would do just to hear those three little words. After the beer we had drank, I think he forgot that we were in the company of two women.

His take on the words was that it has opened a lot of doors (and legs) for him. He continued that he utilizes these words as a tool to satisfy his urges and get him out of hot water if necessary. He went on to tell us how he had dated this girl for six months and still no action (meaning sex). He said he really liked her and they spent countless hours together at dinner and he even took her on a couple of trips to Cancun.

However, he said that it was always the same excuse (his words, not mine), that whenever they got to the good part she would tell him that she wasn’t ready.  He said it was cool for awhile and it became a game to him, but then he grew tired and decided it was time to move on. According to him she continued calling him and although he wasn’t interested anymore he felt that if he walked away now after warming her up, some other idiot might hit the jackpot and he would be pissed.

So one night she called and he explained that he simply felt that the relationship wasn’t leading anywhere. He said that she took it well, however right before he hung up he decided to try his secret weapon (as he called it), and said “I love you” before he hung up. According to him she was at his door less than an hour later and he hit the jackpot for several months. That is until he discovered that several other men must have told her the same thing because she was sleeping with her ex and her apartments maintenance man during the same time. (The two women with us got a kick out of that, with one reminding him that’s what he gets for misusing the words.)

We moved our conversation from the pool tables to a large booth and another male in the group decided it was his turn to chime in. He relayed that old story that women wanted sensitive men, so he has made it a point to let any woman that he was dating know exactly how he felt. His position was that you shouldn’t keep people guessing, you should let them know exactly where they stand.

He went on to proclaim that he tells his current girlfriend that he loves her all of the time. When asked how long they had been together he stated 3 months, at which my now nearly drunk friend (above), told him he was a sell out to men everywhere. LOL. He also informed him that he should be careful because once you tell them you love them it’s hard to get rid of them. At this point I cut off his drinking.

When my second friend continued he explained that he’d only said that to women he really cared about and it had taken him time (albeit 3 mos) to be able to open up the his current girlfriend. He went on to say that he was pretty sure that she was the one he’d spend his future with and he looked forward to growing old together. At this point the two women with us were swooning at his honesty. Unfortunately my nearly drunk friend wasn’t having it, and reminded him that he had told us the same thing about his former girlfriend. (I quickly ordered him a hot coffee)

Now it was the second female of the groups time to add to the conversation. Wine has a special affect on women and I for one like the way it mellow them if consumed in moderation. She is normally quiet and somewhat shy and I have to admit it surprised me that she wanted to hang out with us.

She said that in her younger years that she had fallen prey to guys whom just said those words to convince her they were sincere (We all looked at my half drunken friend). But as she matured she realized that it wasn’t so much the words but the actions she concerned herself with now. She continued by stating that she had been seduced by several men whom professed their love for her and in return she was cheated on and in one relationship physically abused.

Continuing she said yes, women enjoy hearing those words and many times they seek them from men to clarify their positions in their lives. However, she cautioned that what good are the words if his actions don’t match what he’s telling you over and over again. She looked across the table to the other female member of the group and told her that although her boyfriend won’t say the words, she should know that he really loves you. She said it was evident in the way he looks at her and listens to her. She went on to say that she remembered days when he had left his job to pick her up at work because she didn’t feel good and then took the rest of the day off to care for her. (I looked over and they both had tears welling up in their eyes.)

For her she went on, now it wasn’t the words anymore. It now was all about the actions of the person she chose to be with. Her next man (when she said this my near drunk friend perked up) according to her would be someone who cared about her and showed her how he feels because the words can sometimes be hallow. She finished by saying that women put too much emphasis on what men say and not enough on how they act in relationships. It was nice to hear her say this, however, the mood was broken because as soon as she finished and we were all basking in her words my near drunk friend looked at her and said, “I love you”! We all broke into laughter and he fell asleep not realizing what he had just said.

It was a good night, shooting pool and having drinks with friends. I learned from each of them and I hope there is something in their conversations that can assist you as well. It amazes me how differently we view the same subject, but then again I guess we really are.

Oh, before I leave you today maybe I should tell you what I said on the subject. I won’t write it here because it will make the post run rather long and for many of you the discussions of my friends may be enough. However, for those of you that would like to hear my take on this topic, you can read it in my discussions by visiting Anonymousmale1 on facebook.  See you there!

Why women should set goals for relationships

Almost everyone I know sets goals for everything they do in life, that’s why most if not all are successful. We as people set goals for life, business, school, sports and almost everything in between. Recently while looking at the goals I set for this blog (posted on my bathroom mirror) I realized that although I am close to achieving almost every single one I began to wonder, if goals are good for everything else in life why not for relationships?

Do women set goals for relationships? If you do, how successful have you been with it? I’d like to know, because if it works for you I think it would be great to share it with other women who may want to try it.

However, since this is something that just slapped me in the face while shaving I figured I’d share possible goals women could utilize for their relationships. I hope this helps someone out there to eliminate wasting time on hopeless men and years they’ll never get back in doing so. By following these guidelines it may get you to the perfect man in a shorter amount of time therefore avoiding all men that are simply just unworthy of you. So lets begin with setting goals for your relationship, OK?

Now, back to those goals we need to set. First off we’ve all seen women both friends, sisters, nieces, daughters and cousins who have been in long term relationships with men and they are no closer to getting married years later than they were when they first entered the relationship.

Honestly this is not good at least that’s my opinion on the matter. Why spend your youthful days on someone who has no intention of marrying you? People split up all the time and to waste five years on a man only for the two of you to break-up is crazy. That means for five long years you’ve been off the market and missed out on the chance to meet many single men whom would have loved nothing more that to have you as his wife and life mate. Unfortunately, you were tied up on a promise that never came. You know the promise, “Eventually, we’ll get married.” Hell, when? All those excuses about let’s finish our degrees, wait until we have enough money saved, I’m happy the way we are and my personal  favorite, “Why should we get married, we’ve been together longer than our friends and now they’re divorced?” All this is just a smoke screen for the real fact that he’s comfortable with you but he’s not about to make the ultimate commitment to show you and the world, how much.

How many of us know women whom have lived with a guy for a long time, helped him finish school or some other form of professional training with the hopes that when he had completed it they would get married? Only to have him complete it and then leave her to marry someone else? Probably all of us know someone just like this and it’s sad.

So for our short term goal lets start with this: Determine exactly how long you should stay with a person before you know if he’s marriage material or not. (Remember this is short term, so typically it should be six months to a year)

Lets look at this for what it’s worth. Why do you need a long term relationship to get married? We can look at this from two different perspectives, some say you should be with someone for several years before getting married, I don’t think so, I think a year, possibly two is a good time and I’ll tell you why.

If you spend three, four years with someone you know everything about them. You’ve heard all of their jokes, know their weaknesses and can finish their sentences. Love making is not new to you two, you’ve been doing it for several years now. What could you possibly have to talk about that could keep you interested in the first years of marriage? Probably nothing because you already know everything about one another.

Now, you take the same two people and they get married after one year. They have so much to talk about, they’re still learning about each other. Sexually they’re still exploring one another and it’s fun because now you live together as man and wife. I’ve been married for awhile now and my wife still tells me stories about her childhood that keep me on the edge of my seat with laughter. These stories were great for teasing my in-laws on their visits. Hell, if we went out for five years before we got married these stories and conversations would be old to me by now and the sexual aspect would have too.

So don’t let some guy with a promise of a ring turn you into a spinster. Refuse to let some idiot whom doesn’t know or possibly care that he’s wasting your youth and looks by stringing you along with the promise of marriage. If he was going to marry you, it really should have been done before you knew everything about him, his family, his distant relatives, his classmates and everything in between.

There are really no excuses for not marrying a woman you profess serious love for. Money cannot be an issue, because once you are married you can combine incomes and work together to save your nest egg. Buying a home? It cracks me up when some idiot tells me that first he wants to own a home before he gets married so they’ll have somewhere to stay. Whatever, first off why would you chose a home before you get married for a wife you don’t have? Then when you get a wife, what makes you think she will really like to live in the home that you expect her to help you pay for and gave her no opportunity to select? Just a thought.

So now, if you’ve committed giving 6 months to a year to determine this fact then you also need a second goal in order to shore up the first one. This goal will be to determine how long you are willing to wait to become engaged. If it takes approximately 6 months for you to know if he is actually a very good man and you two are definitely and item and feel the same for one another then a reasonable goal of  an additional 6 months to become engaged should be in order. This then becomes your intermediate goal.

For the long term goal which is the most important is the amount of time you will be willing to remain engaged and off the market before getting married which should be the ultimate objective. Oh, and remember this: “The goal is where we want to be. The objectives are the steps needed to get you there.” By my estimation and again this is simply my way of thinking, a reasonable amount of time between engagement to marriage is one year.  A year allows you and he to plan your marriage without rushing and have enough time to iron out any wrinkles in the process. More than a year to me (and again this is simply my thinking) is simply another stall tactic that will string you along again and again.

Now I understand that some women may not be ready for marriage, and that’s fine, its their choice, their right. However, I am writing this post for those of you who feel that living with a man for years without some clear defined plan for the future is simply unacceptable.

Yes believe me when I tell you that I do know that people get married and then divorced. I know it happens all of the time worldwide. I also know that from the female standpoint it would be much better to tell your next man that you were married and it didn’t work, as compared to well, we lived together for 9 years and then one day he told me he was in love with someone else.

The first statement the new man thinks, “Damn he must have been an idiot to let a beautiful woman like you get away!” If its the second statement, the same man will be thinking, “Damn, you must be an idiot to stay with a guy that long without a ring.” What would you like the next man (if there is one) to think about you?

By now many of you are thinking, should I let him know about my goals for my future? My answer is “You’re damn right you should.”  Before you ever jump into bed with him or commit yourself to a so called dating relationship. Now some of you will think that to mention marriage to a man you just started seeing is ludicrous. You think it will scare him off somehow, right. Well to this I say, B.S! The talk of marriage only scare men that have as their only goal to get you into bed.  Any real man will listen to you and your goals, think about them for awhile and decide if they are acceptable and realistic goals for him and his future as well. He won’t comment on them right away, he’ll think about them and you while he determines if you are the right one or not. This is cool, because your short term goal was to determine if he was marriage material or not anyway.

Note: It is very important for you determine before ever sleeping with a man you like or have feelings for if you two are in a relationship or not. You do this by asking; “Are we officially a couple now, or is this something you just want to do?” Asking him this way gives him an out, in the event that all he wanted was sex. It gives you an out as well, because if he is honest enough to tell you the truth he may be worth still getting to know without compromising your honor and integrity. Most importantly though, you cannot stick to your goal timelines if you don’t know exactly when you started dating.

All of this of course is simply a thought that hopefully assist many of you. However, before you decide if setting a relationship goal for yourself I suggest taking a look at your current relationship. How long have you been together? A year, two, five or more, where is it headed? Will he ever marry you or are you content with being his live in lover forever or until he decides to move on? Look at your friends relationships as well and ask yourself where they are going in it.

Question, how many of you have been in long term relationships only to break-up and your ex married his next girlfriend within a year? This happens a lot, women break a man in and the next woman benefits from all of your hard work and suffering. By suffering, I mean the heartbreak associated with breaking up after many years of being together, and then again because he is now married and you’re in another long term relationship. When will it end? I tell you when, the day you decide to set goals for your relationship future. It can’t hurt, can it?

Oh, and one final lifetime goal: To remain married until death do us part, amen!

10 Things guys really want in a woman

I received a message from Comieko, a friend on my Facebook fan page and she had an idea for a post for this blog. She inquired if I could write about what men want in a woman. I thought that this might be interesting as well, so I responded to her message and informed her that I would write a post on this subject.

However, I know exactly what I wanted in a woman, (got it) but all men are different in what they seek for a lifetime partner. I needed help, so I picked up the phone and contacted single friends of mine. I called guys whom are lawyers, investigators, night club owners, Cops, athletes, teachers, freight train engineers, business owners, military members and more.

To enhance the study group, I went out and simply started conversations with men I didn’t even know. Most people would consider this difficult, however it’s a part of my job anyway (extracting information from people). So getting these virtual strangers to tell me what they were seeking in women was an easy task. Funny thing though, I would approach each and begin the conversation about sports and in the end begin complaining about my (fictitious)girl. Ten minutes later I would ask, why can’t I find a perfect girl and we would compare notes.

So after interviewing approximately 60 men from all walks of life, I compiled the information and created a list based on “What men want in a woman”. Some of it surprised me, some of it reminded me that nothing has changed in the singles world and some of it made me laugh because I realised that every single woman on this planet is just like the one men really want.

*** Note*** This list is composed of the items based on the percentage of men who stated them and in the order that they arrive is based on which item had the highest percentage.

Let me not keep you guys waiting and get on with why you are here, so you too can know what it is that men want in you.

10 Things guys really want in a woman:

10) Great Sex:

Personally I think that this came in last because I wasn’t really interested in what men wanted women to do in bed sexually, sorry. I tended to steer the conversation in a different direction when this topic became to descriptive. Maybe its me, but what people do behind closed doors I think should remain there.  However, with that said, I need to add that hanging a wicker basket from your ceiling so that you can reminisce about a fling you had in a Bangkok massage parlor will not get you the woman of your dreams Mr. Davis from Montreal. But then again it might.

Most of the guys I talked to were able to get their point across without being so blunt. However, several, (Mr. Davis being one) felt the need to relive old conquests. (I pity the woman who ends up with this guy). It didn’t help matters that the Adult Entertainment Convention was in town as well, and although he was here for the CES Convention he seemed to think every woman in Vegas was from the Porn industry.

On the other hand guys like Matt from Seattle and Chen from Hong Kong were much more mature in this arena.  These are two guys whom basically informed me that they knew that although sex was important, they simply didn’t worry about it as much as finding a woman they enjoyed being with out of bed just as much.

Steve a bus driver from New York, still single by the way, informed me that his parents had been married for 30 years. He said that his father told him years ago that  the sexual aspect of the relationship will taper off, but the actual love he should have for the woman in his life will grow stronger over time. In his fathers words, “Love is better than sex when its real.” I have to admit, I agree with his fathers assessment.

9) Dresses nice:

 The great thing about conducting these interviews (so to speak) in Las Vegas was that whenever I was having a conversation there were so many beautiful women walking around. This gave me the opportunity to observe what men thought by watching their eyes and listening to their comments concerning the different attire women wore.

I was sitting at the Halo Bar in the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood on a Friday night and struck up a conversation with Mike, a Military helicopter Pilot Stationed in Korea. As we sat there talking about what he wanted in a woman when a cute girl walked by and he turned to look to the point where I thought he was going to spill the drink I had just brought him.

When he gained his focus again you know what he said? “She’d be good for a one night stand.” I understood exactly why he made this statement. Although she was very pretty, her beauty was overshadowed by the very, very short skirt she was wearing, not to mention the blouse that was unbuttoned damn near to her waist.

Men are very visual when it comes to women and I’ve written this more than once, “The way you dress determines how men perceive you.” In this instance he had fully determined that she was someone he would possibly sleep with, but only once!

Later another beautiful young woman passed by the bar. She was very well dressed, nice slacks, heels, make-up and beautiful hair. He turned and they made eye contact, he spoke to her in a very kind and polite manner and she responded, politely. He didn’t look at her as a piece of meat, it was almost gentle. When she was past his line of vision he didn’t turn to look at her  back side, he looked down and almost smiled.

Quickly I asked what was the major difference between the two women? He answered exactly as I thought he would. He said that the first woman exuded sexuality which was very appealing to him. However, the second woman was more like a woman he would actually like to get to know better. He went on to say that she dressed in a fashion that stated that she was professional, confident, mature and beautiful. He finished by saying that she was the type of woman who he could easily introduce to his mother. Strange huh? But wait, it gets stranger because I was bored.

I sent out a quick text and within five minutes both women arrived at the bar. I introduced him to them both and he almost fainted. Why? Because they are actually identical twins! He hadn’t noticed because of the differences in the way they had dressed. They are old friends of mine that I have known for several years and since they were in town I asked them to participate in my little study. They agreed as long as I promised to take them to dinner afterwards which I was going to do anyway, lol.

I only did this to Mike, and I never explained to him why. I did explain to him that he had proven a point that would be advantageous to women everywhere. He was a good sport and I wish him well in the Military.

Others that bought up this subject, like Ben, a student from Boise State (here for the Las Vegas Bowl) echoed like all the rest. A womans dress and appearance is important in that they would like for her to be appealing to them but not in a way that garners too much unwanted attention. This brings me back to something men spoke about often and you will see it again later in this post, jeans and a nice top are always good. 

8)  Has her own life:

Scott a Sports Store owner from Miami was the first to bring up this topic. He informed me that it was important to him to have a woman who had her own career, life and friends. He felt as did the others that I talked to later that if she possesses these things in her life it increased the chances of the relationship growing.

Eric a Bartender from Bellevue Nebraska, stated that if her friends are your friends and her job is your job then at the end of the day you have absolutely nothing to talk about. Eric’s friend Jason, an Insurance Agent echoed the sentiment and added, “If she has her own life, job and friends it ensures that as a couple you have plenty to talk about that’s interesting. He said his last girlfriend worked with him and the thing that drove him crazy was that when she was pissed at him, everyone at work knew it and it made it difficult for him at work as well as at the home they shared.

Eventually he said he resigned his position hoping it would help their relationship if he work elsewhere. He said this worked for a while but in the end although he had a different job they still shared all of the same friends. He went on to tell me that is why you should never date someone you work with, two people sharing the same life is difficult and boring.

I wanted to know how did they explain the countless numbers of married people who own business’s together? Eric informed me that being married is different. He went on to say that when you are married, you know that this is the person you’ve selected to spend the rest of your life with. You already know that you are compatible with her and spending time with her every single moment is a pleasure, or should be. Spending every waking moment with a woman you’re trying to determine if she will one day be your wife is a recipe for burnout, he added.

I am not sure if they are right or not, but I do know this on the subject. My wife and I met at work years ago, although we shared a couple of common friends, for the most part we did not. I left the company within a few months of us becoming a pair and we’ve never worked together since.

I seldom visit her at work and I think she has been to my office only a couple of times. I find it interesting to attempt to place faces on the people she talks about in her stories about her work and I am sure she’d say the same. Either way, I enjoy her stories of humor and frustration in her work environment and I think she enjoys the fact that I listen allowing her the opportunity to vent from time to time.

Now that we are in Vegas, we don’t have any real common friends. The friends that we do have are ones that we met on the job. I’ve only met two of her friends and she only one of mine. I am not sure if this helps but hopefully you get the picture. If not maybe this will, we still have a lot of interesting things to talk to one another about every single day and I look forward to our conversations.

7) Shared interests:

Do you like football? Basketball? Baseball? Soccer? Do you follow any sport? If not you may want to learn a little about one or all of them. Men do many things to be able to meet women, anything to have a way of breaking the ice and share a passion. However, we draw a line at basket weaving or bargain shopping.

If you would like to meet some really good men, try this: Visit Las Vegas during football season. Buy yourself a nice football jersey (they make them for women as well), and visit one of the many sports books around the city. Breaking the ice has never been easy. You’ll meet men from all walks of life, some who will of course want to date you because you share a common bond and others whom will just enjoy the fact that you are there as a fan of the game.

While talking to Russell, (a Stock broker) from New Jersey, an attractive female entered the sports book alone wearing a NY Giants jersey and a pair of Levi jeans (more about the jeans later). She sat alone and watched the game, Russell continued to watch her to see if she was waiting for someone. After a short period of time he excused him self and approached her. He of course was wearing a NY Jets jersey and I figured the meeting would be very interesting.

From a distance I observed him approach and with a smile on his face extend his hands in a non confrontational manner and then they both laughed. I couldn’t hear the conversation but judging by the laughter I could tell that he may have made a connection.

A few minutes later he returned so I thought we would finish our conversation. However, I was wrong, Russell apologized for having to leave, grabbed his drink and headed to the table with the female. However, before parting he left me with this statement; “I love women who enjoy football, even if she does like the Giants. I think I may have met my future wife.”

That was a bold statement to make concerning a woman he has met less than three minutes earlier, but who knows, stranger things have happened in Las Vegas.

Now lets look at this situation from her perspective. She prepared herself by enjoying a game that she knew men enjoyed and apparently she does too. She dressed to blend in which also created an automatic icebreaker for any man who cared to approach. Armed with her knowledge of the game she  had turned her football passion into a target rich environment of available single men.

My wife loves sports. She’s a Dallas Cowboys fan, but I don’t hold it against her. When I first got married we had recently moved to LA. My new friends loved to go to sports bars on Sundays to watch the games. They’d ask if I would like to come along and I would decline. After awhile they would jazz me about being married and not being able to get out of the house without permission. Finally one day when they asked if I would like to watch a Monday night game at a bar close to work, I figured I had better let them in on my secret.

I wanted to stay home and enjoy the game with my wife. This way I could spend time with her doing something we both enjoyed, I could eat and drink beer without paying through the nose and not have to worry about getting stopped for driving under the influence. Make sense? My friends thought so too, so instead they asked if they could come to my place to watch the game. Since my wife hadn’t really gotten to know them it was the perfect opportunity for them to do so. Within a month many of them would stop by on game days with their wives and girlfriends and we turned the whole thing into an event.

In the end, even the girlfriends who didn’t like football learned to enjoy it. It gave them something else to be able to do together. Years later when I call these guys during football season on a Sunday, instead of being at a bar I can hear their wives cheering in the background from their living room. It’s amazing how a small insignificant sport can create a bond between the sexes if allowed.

6) knowledge:

    When education came up in the first conversation I had it was with Jayden from Singapore. With him he wanted a woman whose education level matched his own which is understandable. However later when it was brought up it became apparent that it was for different reasons.

    Other men such as Mateo from Hawaii expressed that he liked women whom were educated for the sake of being able to hold conversations on any subject. Others echoed his words as time went by. What I gathered was that these men liked women whom were knowledgeable in current events. They particularly seemed to like women whom expressed their own opinions on topics. Rod, a bull rider from Casper Wyoming chimed in to say that there is nothing more frustrating than to have a woman who for months, your opinion is her opinion, then to come home one day and her opinion is totally different. He said this opens too many questions for him, the first being who the hell is she and where did she come from? The second being that these new opinions may be the opinions of the man she met when you were away on tour. He went on to say that either way when this happened to him in the past he knew it was a signal that the relationship was pretty much over.

Most of the men I talked to not only prefer a woman who is versed on current events but they also informed me that they enjoyed it even more if from time to time their opinions differed. As Troy a banker from London stated, there is nothing like a healthy debate between loved ones to bring you even closer.

I understand this thought process perfectly. My wife and I have been debating whether College athletes should be paid or not for many years. I think they should and she feels that fair compensation is the scholarship to attend school they accepted. Who knows who’s right on this subject, but if it gives us something to passionately discuss I really don’t care.

5) A sense of humor:

     We all like to laugh don’t we? It’s healthy for you and it increases your quality of life, especially if you have a woman who makes you laugh. There is nothing like having a woman with a great sense of humor (especially for those days when you do something wrong). Men like to come home and know that instead of an argument after confessing his mistake, they can laugh about it for years.

 In my marriage believe me when I tell you that I have made some huge mistakes, huge! However, my wife has a way of making fun of me in a joking way and I appreciate it more than if she hammered me on it. I get the message, I screwed up, again, we laugh about it and move on having learned from it.

Being silly with the one you love is priceless! According to Les a music teacher from Torrance California, he actively sought out a woman with a sense of humor to ensure his relationship would remain fun. He stated that the relationship before his current one was way too serious, he said it became stressful to him so he bailed out. His new girl, according to him makes him smile by simply walking into the room and this is a year and a half later.

While I was taking to him over a beer, his girlfriend walked up to the table and he looked at her and they both started to laugh. He said, “It took your money, didn’t it?” They both started laughing harder, later I found out that she had come to Vegas with a promise that she would only gamble with ten dollars. She had lost it in 20 minutes. Hell, I laughed too. As they bid me goodbye in route to see a show, he turned and told me, “Life is simply too much fun to be serious all the time.”

4) Looks:

     I really thought that this would be number one, man was I wrong. Beautiful yes, supermodel type, most of the guys I talked to weren’t interested in. They confessed that they think looks in women are over rated. What they expressed was important to them in the looks department was natural beauty. I have to confess, I understand exactly what they mean. Men want women who look great walking through the house with a tee-shirt on, a pair of jeans with her hair a mess and little or no make-up. Oh, and they placed special emphasis on the fact that they love women who look great in a pair of jeans, Levis is the choice according to Parker an anesthesiologist from Houston and many others.

Men prefer natural looking women to women who spend hours putting on make-up to enhance their beauty. As Thomas of Mesquite Nevada so eloquently put it, “I want a woman that appeals to me, not one that tries to appeal to every man.”

Tyler of Salt Lake City, Utah informed me that most people forget that looks fade, but personality and character remain forever.

3) Patience:

Alan from Indiana (a pharmaceutical rep) thinks patience is very important in the women he choses because as he said, “I still do things that I shouldn’t from time to time.” Things like staying out too late with friends or making plans and forgetting to inform my partner are a few. He said he’s working on trying to be better about issues like these so that in his new girlfriend they don’t become an issue. He stated that his current girlfriend is very patient with him in this respect and that’s why he’s attempting to change his behavior.

What was funny to me was that Alan and quite a few others informed me that patience was really important because if she is patient with them they feel as though she will be a great mother to their children one-day. Rick from Idaho (a Retail Manager) laughed at the idea, and then changed his thought process after talking about it with me.

He was in Las Vegas with his girlfriend of three years at a conference she had to attend. At the end of our talk he reviewed his relationship and told me that his girlfriend had stood beside him through some very rough times whereas most women would have left him.

Before I left he asked me if it was true that you could get married anytime during the day or night in Vegas. When I left I had the strange feeling that Alan suddenly realised that his girlfriend deserved to be more than just a girlfriend. If I am right on this assessment, I wish them well as Mr and Mrs!

2) Confidence:

Women with confidence came in second with the men I interviewed. According to Dan, a Physical therapist from San Pedro, California, “If she is confident in herself, she will be more likely to be secure in the fact that she has nothing to worry about when it comes to us.” Meaning: No jealousy issues, no arguments, no complaining.

Robert, a Computer Business Owner from Arkansas informed me that if she has confidence in herself then he will be more confident in her. He went on to tell me that his last girlfriend lacked confidence and it showed in all aspects of their relationship. He said he stressed about it because he always knew that others knew she lacked confidence as well. He told me that the company he founded began to expand and he had to spend a few months on the West Coast away from her. When he returned he discovered she had been unfaithful.

He said he was sure it was because her lack of confidence led her to believe others when they told her that as his company grew he would eventually leave her. He said they had talked about this issue several times and he laughed it off because he though that she couldn’t seriously believe it. He felt she cheated so that she could kill the relationship that she thought would end anyway, even though he had worked so hard for them both.

For his next relationship, confidence will be a top priority in the woman he selects. He further informed me that he travels a lot, and he wants his next girlfriend to be confident enough to know that his heart is wherever she is.

1) A great personality:

 I thought probably like you did that the number one thing would be looks. However, if that was the case we were both fooled. These guys almost all rated personality above everything else.  Heath a Detective from New Zealand stated, “What the hell good does it do you if she looks fantastic but you can’t stand to be around her?” With that statement, I concur.

Men want a woman that he is drawn to, and nothing does that like a great personality. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with a great smile who looks at you and even if you’re delivering a package to her office she makes you feel as if she is your friend.

A great personality means that you are approachable and that regardless of the circumstances she makes you feel as though everything will be ok. I asked Todd, a Hotel Manager from Huntington West Virginia what was so important about personality to him and he took a drink of his beer and told me this; “Women with good personalities and a great outlook on life tend to make you feel as though you can do anything.” He added, “It’s also good that when you return home at the end of a hard day, you know that she will be in a good mood which in return will brighten your otherwise dreary day.”

Talking to Adam from New Mexico, a website designer while at Aria in the City Center a very beautiful young woman walked by. Adam politely said hello and she totally ignored him. His personality quickly changed and I could tell he wanted to say something negative about her.

He settled down and then he said, ” The one thing I cannot stand is a woman who thinks she is so pretty that she has no personality at all, or if she does it’s a shitty one!”  I let him ramble on for a few minutes as he went on to tell me that he had simply spoken to her to be friendly, not to try to pick her up.

I thought this was the perfect time to inquire as to exactly how important he thought personality was when chosing a woman. His reply: It’s by far the most important aspect of the selection process if you’re looking for a long-term relationship. If it’s simply just for a roll in the hay, it’s dead last. Like the girl I just spoke to, he continued. She has no personality to speak of. Yep, she was pretty, but after not even having the social graces to speak back to someone who said hello, more than likely she’s probably just a pure bitch! Who wants to spend long-term with someone like that?

I asked if he had a girlfriend or wife and he informed me that he did, that she would be down shortly. He was still a little heated about the snub, and at that moment I remembered that generally men have support groups during these moments. this is usually the time when male friends pump up a mans ego by saying something like, “Dude, she was fat anyway or some other insult to make their friend feel better. Hey, I’m married so I’m not about to plug some guys bruised ego about a girl I know absolutely nothing about.

Later, the same girl came by and he started to steam again and I noticed it quickly. I excused myself and walked towards the girl and made eye contact. I spoke to her and she politely waved and I followed her and another female towards another part of the room where they were sitting. From a distance I watched and I observed that they held conversation using sign language.

I didn’t return to the table with Adam, because I understand that many men lack great personalities as well. Although Adam professes to having a girlfriend (which I didn’t see) he above most should understand that having a pleasant personality is something that goes both ways.

I hope that this post if nothing else shows you that in reality no one really knows what men want. Each of us, both men and women are very different in our likes and dislikes when chosing a mate. The list above simply give you an idea of the things men want, however more importantly it lacks what men actually need in a woman.

When talking to all of these men, I noted that not one of them expressed what they needed in a woman. However, they all quickly expressed what they wanted in one. So since they failed to tell us what they need, I decided to tell you what I know each and every man needs in order to make a perfect relationship for his future. Simply put, they need you!

Why you may want to re-think marrying a Pro Athlete

Turn on your TV and they’re everywhere, hawking shoes, cars, credit cards, soup, watches, you name it and there is a professional athlete endorsing it. These men whom seem larger than life (and in some cases are) have become rock stars since the invent of cable and satellite TV.

They are young, handsome and rich! Young boys want to be like them (I wanna be like Mike), adult men idolize them and women worship them like they’re the reincarnation of the Beatles. Who would have ever thought that dribbling a basketball or catching a football would one day propel simple men to such global iconic status.

However, with all of this wealth and adulation comes a price and many professional athletes are paying or have paid this price at one time or another. This price is failure to maintain matrimonial relationships. Now why this major failure exists is anyones guess, however we can speculate that at the base of it is the lack of one major ingredient necessary to maintain any relationship, trust.

While I was in the middle of writing this post I received a phone call from a female friend of mine and out of the blue i posed this questions to her. “Would you consider marrying a professional athlete?” After asking why I would ask such a question (she doesn’t know about this blog), she responded quite eagerly, “Hell yes!”

My next question to her was why? She informed me that she would because of the status it would afford her and the wealth. However, she added that she wouldn’t be foolish enough to actually think that he might be faithful to her.

This statement sums up why the divorce rate for professional athletes hovers between 60-80%.  There is no real trust going in so how could they possibly sustain any real relationship?

Now, before people blow a gasket on the above statement lets take a look at trust from the athletes prospective. Here’s a guy whom more than likely came from a lower-income family and because of his athletic prowess he garners tons of attention. Women that probably wouldn’t even speak to him if he wasn’t on the cover of some magazine are now jockeying for position to spend time with him. Oh, and this is while he is in College, he hasn’t even made it yet.

Turn on the TV and he’s on sports center and in the school book store you can purchase his jersey for $75 plus tax. (oh, and by the way he makes no profit from this sale). When his stock really rises, agents begin to not only pop up, but they also arrive in the form of  women. Hey, he’s in college so legally he cannot talk to an agent yet. But, that doesn’t keep agents from dealing with his girlfriend (the one he wouldn’t have had if he wasn’t a rising star). Agents know that if they can get to her, she could possibly steer him to them when the time comes for a professional contract.

So now, draft day comes and this kid whose mother worked two shifts at a local mill gets drafted in the first round and it’s just like hitting the lottery! Thirty million dollars and a ten million dollar signing bonus and he hasn’t even suited up for a NBA, NFL or MLB team yet. To make things even worse, reporters publicize these figures in the news, telling the world how wealthy this 21-year-old kid is.

In no other section of our society (other than actors/actresses) do they publicize how much an individual makes to the world. Could you imagine if one day you open your neighborhood newspaper and in big bold print it read, “MAGAN promoted to Office Manager @ $95K  per year”. It’d be pretty awkward to say the least.

So now, if he thought he was popular in College he hasn’t seen nothing yet. Now, he’s popular and wealthy, overnight. He now discovers that he has friends and family he never knew existed and everyone wants something from him, everyone. He begins to question everyone’s motives for approaching him, especially women. College women are one thing, random women who run up to him in the mall are something else totally. Phone numbers on the windshield of his new Hummer begin to wear thin after a while. Oh, and he hasn’t even ran into the apparatus called the “Professional Groupie.” (Refer to video at the end of this post)

So believe me when I tell you that by the time he ever reaches the alter he has been exploited by the University, girlfriends, agents and family members. Therfore he’ll be having trust issues in his sleep for years to come.

How do you find the woman of your dreams when the rules have changed and you’re not a regular guy anymore by societal standards? This is a tough question I think. How can you trust anyone when with every woman you take out you’re asking yourself, “Is she with me because she really likes me, or because of who I am”? Sometimes the answer to this question could be answered by simply looking into the mirror. There is no way on this earth that Mike Tyson was supposed to end up with Robin Givens. Sorry Mike, but I had to say it and I am just being real.

Making it more difficult to trust anyone is the stories he will read in the tabloids, hear from his teammates and coaches about how some player is getting divorced and his wife is taking him to the cleaners. If that isn’t enough to make him skeptical in the love department then the tales of paternity suits and allegations of sexual and physical assault surely won’t make him feel any safer.

Smart athletes if possible marry their H.S. sweetheart. Women that stood beside them when they had never been interviewed on national tv. Women that stood beside them when they had nothing and his sports prowess meant nothing to her, she was with him because they were in love.

Unfortunately even that isn’t enough today, Dwayne Wade and his wife are in a bitter divorce. These two had been together since the 7th grade. Oh, and by the way, he’s now dating Gabrielle Union whom his ex states caused the split. Drama, so much drama.

So now, since some of you will undoubtably still accept an opportunity to wed a pro athlete let me ask this. Could you marry a man with trust issues to begin with? Think about it, if this were a regular guy who worked a regular job and you felt that he may not be faithful to you, would you marry him anyway?

The first sign of lack of trust is the Prenuptial agreement. Unconditional love would never suggest such a thing and would be appalled at the thought. How could anyone consciously ask someone to sign a document saying that in the event the marriage doesn’t work  you get X Y & Z? It baffles my mind when someone famous gets divorce and the media questions whether he or she has a prenuptial agreement.  I always ask myself, what the hell was she or he thinking?

Do you know what a prenup does for marriages? It tells both parties that the marriage probably won’t last and they expect it not to. It also tells the person who is asked to sign it that they are worth a specific amount of cash, property etc if they agree to marry this person. That’s not love folks, its warped thinking by people who place material wealth above everything else, to include real love.

If for whatever reason my wife requested a divorce from me today, this is what I would do. I know this because we went through a rough patch a couple of years ago. We discussed divorce and legal separation and this is exactly what I told her; “I will not allow any attorney to determine who gets what in a marriage that they were never apart of. We’ll pick up the documents, we’ll fill them out together and you may have anything you want. All I really care about is having access to my children unconditionally. I told her that she could have any and all investments, the house, checking accounts and furnishings because I can start over. The most important thing to me was ensuring that the lives of my children didn’t change one bit.

Well we worked through it and fortunately we’re still together. In our society today it’s too damn easy to simply get a divorce. No one ever said that marriage was easy. However it can be if you chose to work together instead of quitting at the first sign of trouble.

Recently, we’ve seen Tiger Woods divorced, Dwayne Wade getting a divorce, Tony Parker and Eva Longoria called it splits earlier this week and although few know, Steve Nash and his wife are splitting as well. Oh, and the woman who Tony Parker is suspected of having an affair with is getting a divorce as well and her husband is a former NBA player, go figure.

A  lot of these divorces can also be attributed to the choices these athletes make in their selection of the women they marry. Sit down and try to watch (to watch a whole episode is considered cruel and unusual punishment) a few minutes of “Basketball Wives”. It will allow you to understand why the divorce rate within this industry is so damn high. 

However, in the midst of all of this drama and the carnage left behind with all of these divorces there are still a few players who still have solid marriages. After Magic Johnson’s announcement most women would have run, all the way to the bank. Not Cookie, she’s stood beside him through thick and thin. When Kobe had his indiscretion in that Colorado hotel, Vanessa could have taken him for everything if she chose, and instead she stood beside the man she loves. Guess what the both of these marriages have in common? Neither have a prenuptial agreement. They were both lucky enough to discover women who loved them unconditionally, not for what they can get.

Now before I go I want to share one more thing with you. Hillary Clinton didn’t leave Bill Clinton when he was being grilled by Republicans about his supposed affair with a White House intern. She could have and no one would have blamed her, instead she stood by her man. When asked about this, Hillary stated, “There are things that are far worse in marriage than infidelity”. Maybe she’s right?

How selecting a puppy is just like selecting a new man

This post is somewhat long, however I challenge you to read it because there is a moral to this story that you simply may not want to miss ~ Anonymousmale1

How many of you have bought puppies in your life? You go down to the pet store and you’re excited and apprehensive at the same time. You walk into the pet shop and you walk to all the holding pens looking for the puppy that you feel will be your perfect pick.

Many of the puppies are all giddy at the prospect that they could possibly go home with you. They do everything they can to get your attention. They run up to the window and jump around, bark sharply and whimper when you walk to the next window.

Then you spot one and he’s excited and he’s posturing just for you. You tap on the glass and he dances around panting and barking and as you smile he gets even more excited. You request that the shop employee remove him to allow you to play with him a bit to see if he is exactly what you want.

She guides you to a small holding area and soon return with this beautiful puppy that’s eager to meet you as well. You take him in your arms and hold him, kiss him on the head pet him and play with him. He gets so excited he urinates, and you don’t mind because you’ve already decided he’s the puppy you’ll be taking home.

You alert the sale associate that you’d like to buy him and she leads you through the isles as you select items he’ll need, a bed, food, toys and a collar and leash. She then guides you to the register to ring up your sale which will total way over the amount you originally wanted to spend, but you’re happy, he’s happy and that’s all that matters.

As you’re standing in line while the associate completes the transaction, you look back at the small cubicle that once was your new puppies home. In the back of the cubicle you for the first time observe an identical puppy that you hadn’t even noticed. He’s sitting there now in the front of the cage watching you. He’s watching you with eyes that say he understands, he’s not bitter for not being selected and his expression shows that this is not the first time he wasn’t chosen. However, he still holds the look of love in his eyes and its difficult for you to break your gaze away from him.

With your transaction completed you go home with your newly purchased puppy with the wagging tail and the cute bark. You soon forget about the puppy that was left behind.

You arrive at your home and you place the puppy on the floor and what does he do? He takes a shit on your brand new carpet, then he looks up at you with those loving eyes as to say, “Sorry about that”. You forgive him of course and begin the task of attempting to house train him.

Days turn to weeks and weeks to months and there are times that his cuteness is wearing thin. Frustration sets in, how many pairs of your expensive shoes can he destroy. How many times can you step in puppy puddles in the middle of the night before you feel you’ll go mad.

Your mom comes over and you know what your puppy does? He humps her leg, as a matter of fact, he humps every womans leg that gets in his vicinity. people think he’s cute and when you explain to them how difficult it has been, they tell you, “He’s just a puppy, he’ll grow out of it”, secretly, you wonder.

He barks excessively, driving you and your neighbor nuts. Walking him is a chore, it always ends up with him walking you. He never listens to you and the only time he even appears to care is when you feed him. The rest of the time he’s being destructive.

This goes on for months and you are at your wit’s end, not to mention that this cute puppy now weighs a whopping 75 pounds. Now when he’s walking you in the park, you pray that no one comes anywhere near you with another dog because if it’s a male, a fight will surely occur. If it’s a female in heat she doesn’t stand a chance because he’ll be on her and at his weight the chance of you keeping him off her is slim to none.

Finally you’ve had enough and you talk your cousin who has a house with a few acres of land into taking your once cute puppy off of your hands. You rationalize this situation by telling yourself that what he needs is a very large rural area to run around in. You tell yourself that your small 900 square foot apartment was simply too small for him and he felt cramped.

When he was finally gone you felt remorseful. For weeks you thought about driving the 3 hours to your cousin’s house and taking him back. You miss him and it became difficult to sleep without him there to protect you and although he still refused to be house trained you felt comfortable and safe having him around. You felt guilty for sending him away and you hope and pray that he’s happy, although you’re miserable as hell.

Then one-day while reminiscing you walked through the park where he used to walk you. You though about the time when he basically drug you just to sniff a female dog that was out with her master. You still have the scars on your knee as a reminder.

While sitting on the bench with tears filling your eyes while you think about how much of a failure you are for not being able to make him happy something amazing happens. A ball bounces in your direction and you pick it up. Before you realise it a dog identical to your runs down the hill and directly up to you. You think it is a miracle and you cannot take your eyes off of him. He stops his run and slowly walks toward you as you are holding his tennis ball in your hands.

As he gets near and then directly in front of you he sits down and he gazes deeply into your eyes as you reach the ball out to him. Looking into his eyes you are startled, this is the same dog who while as a puppy stared at you in the pet store. He takes the ball and heads back up the hill to his master. You decide to follow to see who the lucky recipient will be.

When you arrive on the other side of the slop you watch in amazement as the dog returns the ball to the sales associate whom had rung up you transaction that day in the pet store. He returned it with such love and care that you instantly became envious.

Your curiosity gets the better of you and you decided to approach her. You had many questions you wanted to ask. Upon approach she recognized you instantly. After awkwardly explaining how you’d given your dog up, she explained to you how she’d selected it’s brother.

She told you that day in the park that in the beginning there were 5 identical puppies in the pet store and that women just like you had selected the most aggressive of the litter. All had eventually given up on their puppies as they became dogs and had given them away or taken them to shelters. They simply couldn’t control them or change their behavior.

She said that a few days after you had purchased your puppy she was cleaning the cage and after taking a long look into the remaining puppies eyes she decided she wanted him. She said that he wasn’t excited, he simply sat back and watched everyone. She likened it to someone who was looking for a special place, a special home a special friend. She felt that she was special, so why not her and took him home.

She went on to tell you that she never had to house train him, he’d never been on a leash, never chewed anything in her home and only barked while they played. It was like he simply instantly knew what she wanted or needed. When she was happy, he was happy, if she was sad, so was he. She stated from day one she was never his master, but rather his life mate and they both enjoyed one another’s companionship.

Before you left you asked one last question. You wanted to know if her years of working in the pet store teach her which puppies turn out great and which do not? She laughed and told you that in reality she had never owned a puppy before. However, she went on, ” Although I did look for the one I thought needed love as opposed to ones that only loved themselves”.

With that she and her well-behaved, happy, obedient companion disappeared walking side by side, no leash necessary.

The Moral of this story is:

Many times this is how you as women select men as well. You walk into a crowded room and the man who catches your attention is the one that creates the most commotion. They draw attention to themselves in any and every way possible.

If you’re at a bar or a Night Club these are the men the approach you offering drinks or to dance. If you’re at school, these are the guys who approach you and want to start conversation. These types of men make a bee-line directly to almost every beautiful woman in their vicinity begging for you to take them home.

What you fail to notice is that generally they are in the company of another guy. The guy who never feels the need to make an ass of himself by humping your leg. This guy is the one who will not approach you or make a fool of himself. He quietly sits back and occasionally will make eye contact with you, but never for too long.

He is the guy who doesn’t want the attention of every woman on the planet, he simply wants the attention of one. You’ve met him many times and generally you’ve been enchanted by the antics of his friend and when you return to their table his crazy friend will introduce you and he’ll be polite but very soft-spoken. He won’t say too much to you but he will answer questions if you ask. He and his friend probably rode to the party or function together and if you chose to go home with his friend he’ll be in the car with you  two (more than often the one driving, since he probably doesn’t drink).

Watching him closely he’ll probably open the door for you after his friend has already gotten into the car and dismissed this act as too gentlemanly for him. He’s the guy that doesn’t fixate on you, however you know that he looks at you differently.

He loves his friend but he really doesn’t approve of his antics and in most cases the way he treats women as a whole. However, he keeps his thoughts to himself because even though his friend (the one you chose) has flaws, he loves him anyway because that’s what friends are for. Friends love you regardless of how crazy you may appear to others, right.

When you get to their apartment (if they live together) he will simply disappear into his bedroom after wishing you good night. What you don’t know is that he is laying in his bed watching tv, while you are becoming a one night stand to a man who wrote the term.

Later after you’ve been used and abused and his friend doesn’t answer your calls anymore. You’ll remember his friend and one-day you’ll run into him at a mall or somewhere simple and he’ll be in the company of a girl that he treats like a queen. You’ll approach and he’ll say hello and being the respectful person that he is he’ll introduce you to his date. You’ll ask about his friend since now he’s avoiding you and he’ll lie for him (because they are friends) but his eyes are too hones and you’ll see that even this hurts him to do.

Guys like this are everywhere. They are the men that women think are myths and they really are not. They simply get overlooked because just like the puppies in the store, others require much more of your attention.

Why they don’t stand out more is anyones guess. Mine would be that many are simply waiting to be noticed by you. These are men who are shy, have been hurt or have a definite idea of exactly what they are looking for in a woman. Regardless of all of this, they are invisible to the women that so desperately need them.

So the next time you and your friends are out, try looking past the puppy that is doing all of the tricks to garner your attention. It’s the puppy in the window who simply is waiting for you to recognize his true worth that you should be seeking. It’s the man who needs someone to love him that is most valuable to your happiness, not the one that loves himself more than he could ever love you that will break your heart, again.

Why having his baby won’t make him stay….a story

So you’re lying in bed and you’re not sure what to do anymore. You’ve told him how much he means to you and it still feels like every single day that he is drifting further and further away from you. Everyday, you talk with him and he says everything is fine, that he simply needs some space and that he’s been busy.

You ask if he is going to break up with you and he swears that he is not, but you’re not convinced are you? You call him several times throughout the day and he doesn’t answer, later when he calls you (much later) he tells you that he was busy and couldn’t answer the phone.

You ask if you and he could spend some time together alone, maybe a short trip to another city, like a mini vacation. He says it sounds like a great idea and the thought of you planning it and paying for it makes it even more appealing to him. However, a day or so later he pulls out and informs you that this is simply not a good time for him to go on a trip, especially with work or school and all.

It seems like a million years since he would jump through hoops just to hear the sound of your voice, or to spend 15 minutes just to see you smile. Remember when he hated his job (or school) and he used to complain about how it interfered with the time he wanted to spend with you? Things have changed, haven’t they? Now he seems to have no time for you and when he does he looks preoccupied and in a hurry. Even sex that you two used to enjoy so much seems like a chore to him, and foreplay, whatever happened to that?

Your relationship is sinking and it appears that he already has a life vest on, unfortunately he has the only one. You really, really don’t want to lose him because you love him so much. You’ve been through so much together and you can’t fathom life without him, but what on earth can you do to keep him and save your relationship?

Then one night (or day) it comes to you. Others have done it and you convince yourself that it can work for you as well. So you go into the bathroom and you dump every single birth control pill you have into the toilet and you flush them down.

He doesn’t know it but when he finds out several months later he will be both surprised and excited. You two have talked about starting a family and now seems like the perfect time. He’ll never leave you then, you can be sure of it. He’s too good of a man to leave his family behind.

You’re really excited now, the thought of you, he and the baby as a family is all you can think about. You start looking for names for the baby, Beth if it’s a girl or Michael if it’s a boy (after his father of course). You’re almost giddy with excitement. Not wanting to spoil it by telling him your plans, and having to share it with someone, you tell your best friend. At first she’s shocked at what you’ve decided to do and she plays the devils advocate, only you think she’s simply trying to see if you know what you’re doing. In the end you convince her too that it’s a wonderful idea and that it’ll make you and him very, very happy forever. However, you leave out the fact that your boyfriend has no idea that he’s about to become a father, she didn’t need to know that tidbit of information. She now assumes that you’ll be getting married soon. It’s good that you made her pinkie promise not to tell anyone until you said it was OK.

He has been very busy and you haven’t seen him in about a week. It’s not like him to stay away that long, so you decide you’ll go to his house late at night and surprise him with the new Victoria Secrets lingerie you purchased just for the occasion. He opens the door to find you standing there in a trench coat and although he’s surprised (not happy) that you showed up, he invites you in.

You talk for a while and when he inquires about the trench coat, you dramatically stand and open it to reveal a teddy in the color that you know he loves. His eyes widen just as you thought only he quickly looks past you and you realise that there is someone else in the room. You turn to see another woman standing in his bedroom doorway wearing nothing but a t-shirt (one that you bought last year for him) and a look of confusion.

He tries to tell you something but you don’t hear anything as you run out the door to your car. he doesn’t even have the dignity to chase after you. You sit in your car parked on the street and you feel almost nauseous. Now you can see clearly, you don’t know why you missed all the signs. His inattentiveness, always being too busy, declining the trip you planned, too tired to make love to you, always in a hurry to leave when he came to see you. It was all there in front of you and you simply refused to see it for what it was worth.

You are startled by the sound of your alarm clock ringing and you roll over and instead of hitting the snooze button you set upright in bed. That was a hell of a dream and it has you still shaking as you try to get the cobwebs out of your head. While brushing your teeth, you think about your relationship with him and how it has changed over the last few months. Yes you love him, but getting pregnant for the sake of keeping him around, that’s asinine and you know it.

On the way to work you think about the ramifications of having a child this way, without him knowing it and you come to the conclusion that its simply not fair. It’s not fair to him, you and definitely not the baby, who deserves to come into this world with two loving parents who love one another as well.

You’re getting that nauseous feeling again, this time just at the thought of your dream and the thought that many women have done such a thing all for the sake of holding onto a man. You conclude that this is a selfish act and you make a promise to yourself that you would never allow yourself to ever consider such an act for any man.

On your way home from work your boyfriend calls. He starts by telling you the same old tired story about how busy he is or how school has him studying so hard. You listen and when there’s a pause, you without warning inform him that you don’t need him anymore. You tell him that you’ve known for months that there is no way he could simply be that busy but you chose to say nothing at the time.

You tell him that he doesn’t have to worry about lying to you anymore about his busy schedule and he can do whatever he wants. You inform him that he is free to date, fall in love with any woman he chooses with the exception of you. You explain to him that you’ve waited long enough and since he doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude (guts) to end it then you will. You hang up and of course he calls back and you decide to turn your phone off.

When you get home you call your best friend and ask her out to dinner. Now you have a crazy story to tell her, only this time there will be no devils  advocate role for her to play. You now know that getting pregnant will not make any man stay with you or any woman. All it will do is create a miserable existence for three people because of the selfishness of one.